The Cave

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Crimson Crystal DragonNEW

This is a new site.But lots of stuff here,Look around.

Broken World Broken Dreams
This is one of my many other sites.(Anime/Dragons/Final Fantasy)
Check it out if you want.

Well duh it's new,it's mine,and there is alot here.
New art,new pages,and other stuff.
New Page,Links,and otherstuff.
A few new pics added.And for any one that wants to know which one
are new/within the last 6 months are marked with NEW.
Thank you to the people who have Given me great coments about my Dragons,I will soon hopw to have a new and better site with lotts of up dates,and lots more art (thumbnails this time though lol >_< yes the loading time kills me too) and hope fully a hole lot of my other art too *nods*

Saphire Sea Dragon

Wait a sec...
If you have any Ideas or Requests,for a certan pic or type of dragon lett me know.^-^
E-mail me!